For Individuals

Cerebral Palsy Compensation Claim

Cerebral Palsy is a condition caused when the baby’s brain is damaged in utero or at birth. There are many causes, but often it is due to oxygen deprivation to the child or infection. For example during pregnancy it can happen when the blood flow to the baby is comprised or during the childbirth, when the CTG is not being monitored and the birth is not expediated.

Children who have Cerebral Palsy have difficulties in controlling their muscles and movement. Sometimes they have learning difficulties, find it hard to feed and swallow and they may also have difficulties with their hearing or their sight. There are varying degrees of cerebral palsy with some children being able to live a full unaffected life to those who require 24/7 care. 

If you child had cerebral palsy as result of the negligent treatment received by the doctors and midwives, we at T G Baynes understand the impact this will have on your life and the child’s future.  Our dedicated team have the experience to understand the complex needs your child will have and will help you to achieve the compensation you deserve.