
Latest News

Application to Modify Restrictive Covenant Succeeds

The Upper Tribunal (UT) has granted a social housing provider's application to modify a restrictive covenant so as to allow it to proceed with a residential property development. The relevant land was sold in 1975 subject to a conveyance limiting its use...

High Court Ruling in Will Forgery Case

An allegation that a will is a forgery can be hard to prove. However, such an allegation was successfully made out in a High Court case concerning an elderly man who died during the COVID-19 pandemic. The man had passed away in February 2021. A firm of...

ICO Statistics on Data Security Incidents

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has updated its statistics on data security incidents to include the first quarter of 2024. There were 2,970 incidents reported to the ICO in Q1 2024, an increase of 21 per cent from the same quarter in 2023. The...

HMRC's Appeal Against Closure Notice Orders Rejected

Under Section 28A(4) of the Taxes Management Act 1970 , taxpayers whose returns are under enquiry may apply for a direction requiring HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to issue a closure notice. It is for HMRC to show that there are reasonable grounds for...

Employer Did Not Have Constructive Knowledge of Disability

Under Section 15(2) of the Equality Act 2010 , an employer has a defence to a claim of disability discrimination if it can show that it did not know, and could not reasonably have been expected to know, that the claimant had the disability in question. The...
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